MCC Shares Verdict On Angelo Mathews' Controversial Timed-Out Dismissal

Updated - 11 Nov 2023, 05:56 PM

MCC issues statement on Angelo Mathews timed out
MCC issues statement on Angelo Mathews timed out (credits:X)

The MCC issued a statement in reference to the Angelo Mathews’ Timed Out dismissal which happened during the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 match between Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Angelo Mathews became the first ever player in the history of international cricket to be ‘timed out’.

It happened after Sadeera Samarwickwama’s wicket as Angelo Mathews was coming onto the crease, he realized that his helmet strap was ripped off and he asked for a replacement of the equipment which gave Bangladesh skipper Shakib Al Hasan, the opportunity to make an appeal for ‘timed out’. The umpires double-checked with Shakib for the appeal but he was not withdrawing it which led to Mathews’ dismissal.

MCC stated, “The key part of the Law, on this occasion, is that the batter must ‘be ready to receive the ball’. Being on the field, or even at the wicket, is not enough to avoid being Timed out. The batter must be in position for the bowler to be able to bowl inside the allotted time. The umpires determined that Mathews was not ready to face the ball within that two-minute allowance. He subsequently suffered an issue with his helmet, causing further delay.”

What Does The Law States About ‘Timed Out’? MCC Reveals

The relevant Law here is Law 40.1.1, which states: “After the fall of a wicket or the retirement of a batter, the incoming batter must unless Time has been called, be ready to receive the ball, or for the other batter to be ready to receive the next ball within 3 minutes (2 minutes in case of ICC Playing Conditions) of the dismissal or retirement. If this requirement is not met, the incoming batter will be out, Timed out.”

Angelo Mathews was near the 30-yard circle after 90 seconds of Samarwickrama’s wicket, he started to jog towards the crease as soon he realized that he was short on time but after reaching he realized that his helmet strap was off. The MCC stated that Mathews could have informed the umpire about the helmet which would have led to an official break from the umpire thus, preventing the ‘timed out’ situation.

However, Angelo Mathews indicated towards the dugout for a helmet and waited for another helmet which gave Shakib the complete authority to make an appeal and have him ‘timed out’. MCC also explained the requirement for the ‘timed out’ law.

The MCC stated, “Without this Law, a batter could waste time at the fall of a wicket, choosing not to come to the crease in a timely manner. This is particularly problematic in timed cricket when the light may be fading and draw a favourable result, but it is also relevant in limited-overs cricket, where the fielding side is often punished for slow over-rates. Even if the intent is not specifically to waste time, a Law is required to keep the game moving and prevent significant delays between wickets.”

“Given that Time had not been called, and that at the time of the appeal more than two minutes had elapsed, the umpires correctly gave Mathews out. In fact, there was no other action for the umpires to take within the Laws of Cricket. “

Angelo Mathews’ ‘timed out’ created a lot of debate regarding the spirit of cricket and how it was completely unfair as Mathews was not deliberately wasting time. However, Shakib Al Hasan was not bound by the Spirit of Cricket, if it is in the rules and laws of the game then it is in the spirit of the game. The rules suggest Mathews was supposed to be out.


Angelo Mathews ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 ICC ODI World Cup 2023 ICC World Cup 2023 MCC Sri Lanka national cricket team