PAK Vs SA: Kamran Akmal Blames Babar Azam For Poor Intent After The Shambolic Loss To Afghanistan

Updated - 24 Oct 2023, 04:59 PM

Kamran Akmal
Kamran Akmal (Credits:X)

Former Pakistan cricketer Kamran Akmal has pulled no punches in delivering a scathing critique of the Pakistan cricket team’s management following their disheartening loss to Afghanistan in the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023. In a hard-hitting statement, Akmal raised concerns about the team’s intentions and the perception that some individuals consider the Pakistan team as their personal ‘home team,’ elevating their own interests in the game of cricket.

Pakistan’s loss to Afghanistan in the World Cup has left fans and former players like Kamran Akmal deeply disappointed. The defeat came as a shock to many, and it has spurred discussions and critiques about what went wrong. Akmal’s statement, while forthright, reflects a sentiment shared by numerous cricket enthusiasts who demand accountability and transparency within the management of Pakistan’s cricket.

Kamran Akmal’s assertion about the team’s intentions highlights a critical aspect of any sport – the mental and emotional commitment of the players. The game of cricket demands unwavering dedication, focus, and a genuine love for the sport. When these intentions waver or are clouded by other considerations, it can have detrimental effects on the team’s performance.

He stated, “When your intentions are ill then such results are achieved. Some people keep thinking of the Pakistan team as their home team and consider themselves superior to cricket.”

Kamran Akmal Minces No Words In Criticizing Pakistan’s Poor Show

The veteran cricketer’s statement also touches upon the issue of nepotism and favouritism within the cricket management, which can be detrimental to a team’s success. The perception that some individuals treat the Pakistan team as their ‘home team’ and consider themselves superior to the spirit of cricket raises concerns about transparency and fairness in player selection and decision-making.

In a team sport like cricket, the focus should always be on the collective and the pursuit of excellence, rather than individual interests or favouritism. The Pakistan cricket team represents the hopes and dreams of millions of fans, and their expectations are understandably high. When the team falls short of those expectations, it is essential to assess the reasons behind the poor performance.

Kamran Akmal’s outspoken critique serves as a reminder that Pakistan’s cricketing legacy deserves the utmost respect and dedication. To regain its stature on the global stage, the team and its management must prioritize transparency, meritocracy, and a genuine love for the game. Akmal’s words have sparked conversations and debates about the way forward for Pakistan cricket, and they serve as a call to action for those responsible for its management.

As the Pakistan cricket team navigates the challenges of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023, they have a chance to turn the tide, address the concerns raised by Akmal and others, and restore the faith of their passionate fans. The road ahead may be challenging, but with the right intentions, dedication, and a focus on the collective goal, Pakistan’s cricketing future can shine brightly once again.


ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 ICC ODI World Cup 2023 ICC World Cup 2023 Kamran Akmal Pakistan national cricket team