Siechem Pondicherry T10 Points Table

No Siechem Pondicherry T10 M W L T N/R PTS Net RR Last 5 Matches
1 14 10 4 0 0 20 1.808
Opponent Description Date
Royals (KGS won by 36 runs.) Match 4 17 May 2023
Avengers (KGS won by 8 wickets) Match 7 18 May 2023
Warriors (WAR won by 8 wickets) Match 11 19 May 2023
Titans (TIT won by 10 runs.) Match 13 20 May 2023
Patriots (KGS won by 51 runs.) Match 19 22 May 2023
Eagles (EAG won by 7 wickets) Match 24 23 May 2023
Smashers (KGS won by 6 wickets) Match 25 24 May 2023
Smashers (KGS won by 9 wickets) Match 30 25 May 2023
Royals (KGS won by 7 wickets) Match 33 26 May 2023
Warriors (KGS won by 24 runs.) Match 38 28 May 2023
Titans (TIT won by 9 wickets) Match 41 29 May 2023
Avengers (KGS won by 6 wickets) Match 45 30 May 2023
Eagles (KGS won by 5 wickets) Match 53 2 Jun 2023
Patriots (KGS won by 10 wickets) Match 56 3 Jun 2023
Warriors (KGS won by 8 wickets) Semi Final 1 4 Jun 2023
Avengers (KGS won by 6 wickets) Final 5 Jun 2023
2 14 9 5 0 0 18 0.939
Opponent Description Date
Warriors (TIT won by 8 wickets) Match 3 16 May 2023
Eagles (EAG won by 26 runs.) Match 5 17 May 2023
Patriots (TIT won by 26 runs.) Match 9 18 May 2023
Kings (TIT won by 10 runs.) Match 13 20 May 2023
Smashers (SMA won by 5 runs.) Match 17 21 May 2023
Royals (TIT won by 20 runs.) Match 21 22 May 2023
Avengers (AVE won by 24 runs.) Match 27 24 May 2023
Eagles (TIT won by 9 wickets) Match 32 26 May 2023
Patriots (PAT won by 10 wickets) Match 35 27 May 2023
Avengers (TIT won by 27 runs.) Match 39 28 May 2023
Kings (TIT won by 9 wickets) Match 41 29 May 2023
Smashers (TIT won by 83 runs.) Match 46 31 May 2023
Royals (TIT won by 13 runs.) Match 49 1 Jun 2023
Warriors (WAR won by 8 wickets) Match 55 3 Jun 2023
Avengers (AVE won by 8 wickets) Semi Final 2 4 Jun 2023
3 14 8 6 0 0 16 0.347
Opponent Description Date
Patriots (PAT won by 7 wickets) Match 2 16 May 2023
Kings (KGS won by 8 wickets) Match 7 18 May 2023
Smashers (AVE won by 47 runs.) Match 10 19 May 2023
Royals (ROY won by 3 wickets) Match 14 20 May 2023
Eagles (AVE won by 6 wickets) Match 20 22 May 2023
Warriors (AVE won by 8 wickets) Match 22 23 May 2023
Titans (AVE won by 24 runs.) Match 27 24 May 2023
Royals (AVE won by 9 wickets) Match 29 25 May 2023
Warriors (AVE won by 8 wickets) Match 34 27 May 2023
Titans (TIT won by 27 runs.) Match 39 28 May 2023
Patriots (AVE won by 9 wickets) Match 42 29 May 2023
Kings (KGS won by 6 wickets) Match 45 30 May 2023
Eagles (EAG won by 8 runs.) Match 51 1 Jun 2023
Smashers (AVE won by 4 wickets) Match 52 2 Jun 2023
Titans (AVE won by 8 wickets) Semi Final 2 4 Jun 2023
Kings (KGS won by 6 wickets) Final 5 Jun 2023
4 14 7 6 1 0 15 0.552
Opponent Description Date
Titans (TIT won by 8 wickets) Match 3 16 May 2023
Patriots (WAR won by 8 wickets) Match 6 17 May 2023
Kings (WAR won by 8 wickets) Match 11 19 May 2023
Smashers (WAR won by 16 runs.) Match 15 20 May 2023
Royals (WAR tied with ROY) Match 18 21 May 2023
Avengers (AVE won by 8 wickets) Match 22 23 May 2023
Eagles (EAG won by 5 runs.) Match 28 25 May 2023
Patriots (PAT won by 10 runs.) Match 31 26 May 2023
Avengers (AVE won by 8 wickets) Match 34 27 May 2023
Kings (KGS won by 24 runs.) Match 38 28 May 2023
Smashers (WAR won by 30 runs.) Match 44 30 May 2023
Eagles (WAR won by 4 wickets) Match 47 31 May 2023
Royals (WAR won by 25 runs.) Match 54 2 Jun 2023
Titans (WAR won by 8 wickets) Match 55 3 Jun 2023
Kings (KGS won by 8 wickets) Semi Final 1 4 Jun 2023
5 14 7 7 0 0 14 -0.13
Opponent Description Date
Smashers (EAG won by 9 runs.) Match 1 16 May 2023
Titans (EAG won by 26 runs.) Match 5 17 May 2023
Royals (ROY won by 6 wickets) Match 12 19 May 2023
Patriots (EAG won by 24 runs.) Match 16 21 May 2023
Avengers (AVE won by 6 wickets) Match 20 22 May 2023
Kings (EAG won by 7 wickets) Match 24 23 May 2023
Warriors (EAG won by 5 runs.) Match 28 25 May 2023
Titans (TIT won by 9 wickets) Match 32 26 May 2023
Smashers (SMA won by 8 wickets) Match 36 27 May 2023
Patriots (PAT won by 6 wickets) Match 37 28 May 2023
Royals (EAG won by 30 runs.) Match 43 30 May 2023
Warriors (WAR won by 4 wickets) Match 47 31 May 2023
Avengers (EAG won by 8 runs.) Match 51 1 Jun 2023
Kings (KGS won by 5 wickets) Match 53 2 Jun 2023
6 14 6 8 0 0 12 -0.786
Opponent Description Date
Avengers (PAT won by 7 wickets) Match 2 16 May 2023
Warriors (WAR won by 8 wickets) Match 6 17 May 2023
Titans (TIT won by 26 runs.) Match 9 18 May 2023
Eagles (EAG won by 24 runs.) Match 16 21 May 2023
Kings (KGS won by 51 runs.) Match 19 22 May 2023
Smashers (SMA won by 13 runs.) Match 23 23 May 2023
Royals (PAT won by 13 runs.) Match 26 24 May 2023
Warriors (PAT won by 10 runs.) Match 31 26 May 2023
Titans (PAT won by 10 wickets) Match 35 27 May 2023
Eagles (PAT won by 6 wickets) Match 37 28 May 2023
Avengers (AVE won by 9 wickets) Match 42 29 May 2023
Royals (PAT won by 5 wickets) Match 48 31 May 2023
Smashers (SMA won by 34 runs.) Match 50 1 Jun 2023
Kings (KGS won by 10 wickets) Match 56 3 Jun 2023
7 14 6 8 0 0 12 -0.804
Opponent Description Date
Eagles (EAG won by 9 runs.) Match 1 16 May 2023
Royals (SMA won by 6 wickets) Match 8 18 May 2023
Avengers (AVE won by 47 runs.) Match 10 19 May 2023
Warriors (WAR won by 16 runs.) Match 15 20 May 2023
Titans (SMA won by 5 runs.) Match 17 21 May 2023
Patriots (SMA won by 13 runs.) Match 23 23 May 2023
Kings (KGS won by 6 wickets) Match 25 24 May 2023
Kings (KGS won by 9 wickets) Match 30 25 May 2023
Eagles (SMA won by 8 wickets) Match 36 27 May 2023
Royals (SMA won by 13 runs.) Match 40 29 May 2023
Warriors (WAR won by 30 runs.) Match 44 30 May 2023
Titans (TIT won by 83 runs.) Match 46 31 May 2023
Patriots (SMA won by 34 runs.) Match 50 1 Jun 2023
Avengers (AVE won by 4 wickets) Match 52 2 Jun 2023
8 14 2 11 1 0 5 -1.795
Opponent Description Date
Kings (KGS won by 36 runs.) Match 4 17 May 2023
Smashers (SMA won by 6 wickets) Match 8 18 May 2023
Eagles (ROY won by 6 wickets) Match 12 19 May 2023
Avengers (ROY won by 3 wickets) Match 14 20 May 2023
Warriors (WAR tied with ROY) Match 18 21 May 2023
Titans (TIT won by 20 runs.) Match 21 22 May 2023
Patriots (PAT won by 13 runs.) Match 26 24 May 2023
Avengers (AVE won by 9 wickets) Match 29 25 May 2023
Kings (KGS won by 7 wickets) Match 33 26 May 2023
Smashers (SMA won by 13 runs.) Match 40 29 May 2023
Eagles (EAG won by 30 runs.) Match 43 30 May 2023
Patriots (PAT won by 5 wickets) Match 48 31 May 2023
Titans (TIT won by 13 runs.) Match 49 1 Jun 2023
Warriors (WAR won by 25 runs.) Match 54 2 Jun 2023
M: Matches,
W: Won,
L: Lost,
T: Tie,
N/R: No Result,
PTS: Points,
Net RR: Net run rate,
Q: Qualified