Mayank Agarwal Player Profile, Age, Career, Bowling & Batting Stats

Mayank Agarwal

Mayank Agarwal

India | Batter

Mayank Agarwal is a/an 34 years old India cricketer, born in 1991 in . Mayank Agarwal is a Right Hand Bat batsman and bowls Right Arm Off Break. According to the cricket career of Mayank Agarwal, he has been a pivotal player in the team’s success and Mayank Agarwal records looks glittering.

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Batting Statistics

M Inns Runs BF NO HS AVG S/R 100 50 4s 6s
21 36 1488 2782 0 243 41.33 53.48 4 6 189 28
5 5 86 83 0 32 17.2 103.61 0 0 12 1
204 198 4738 3550 13 111 25.61 133.46 2 27 481 164
113 113 4965 5073 6 176 46.4 97.87 14 23 588 88
102 176 7627 12824 7 304 45.13 59.47 17 42 986 103

Bowling Statistics

21 0 0 0 0 0
5 1 10 1 0 10 0
204 1 8 1 0 8 0
113 4 44 6 0 7.33 0
102 23 278 70.3 3 92.66 3.94 2/18 0

Mayank Agarwal News

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